Based on the original Comic Series “My Hero Academia”, which sold over 50 Million copies worldwide, My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission is the third movie, following My Hero Academia: Two Heroes and My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising. This third and final installment in the Japanese manga franchise follows our three favorite heroes Izuku, Bakugo, and Todorok as they team up to battle a mysterious terrorist organization dedicated to eradicating people with Quirks.
Featuring an original score by Yuki Hayashi, a Japanese composer and arranger best known for his work on the soundtracks for television dramas, anime, and films. His most famous works include Triangle, Zettai Reido, Diabolik Lovers, Asa ga Kita, Haikyū!! and My Hero Academia
- Featuring an original score by Yuki Hayashi
- My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission is the third movie, following My Hero Academia: Two Heroes and My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising and is scheduled to be released in Japanese theaters on August 6
- Internal ID: JIT
- Format: Vinyl
- Format Detail: 2LP Black
- Handling Note: **Please allow an additional 5 business days for this item's shipment.**
- Genre: Soundtrack
- Released: 4/15/22
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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