AC/DC | High Voltage (Deluxe Edition, Remastered) | CD

AC/DCSKU: EVP-696998020122

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This is a Hyper CD, which contains regular audio tracks and also provides a link to the artist's website with the help of a web browser.
AC/DC: Bon Scott (voclas); Malcolm Young, Angus Young (guitar); Mark Evans (bass); Phil Rudd (drums).
The 2003 edition of HIGH VOLTAGE includes liner notes by Murray Engelheart.
All tracks have been digitally remastered.
Personnel: Bon Scott (vocals); Malcolm Young, Angus Young (guitar); Phil Rudd (drums).
Audio Remasterer: Ted Jensen.
Liner Note Author: Murray Engleheart.
Recording information: 11/1974.
Photographers: Dick Barnatt; Erica Echenberg; Colin Stead; Michael Putland; Philip Morris.
HIGH VOLTAGE was the first chance America had to glimpse the raw power of Australia's best hard rock outfit. From their earliest days, lead guitarist Angus Young, a spastic dwarf-like riff-monger who wore nothing but traditional schoolboy attire, led this band of hooligans with gleeful perversity and balls-out ambition. The group's intent is perfectly clear from the disc's opening power chords: to distill rock and mutate the blues down to its barest essentials in a pulverizing whomp. Riding over the top of the battering rhythm section is the all-too-true sneer of vocalist Bon Scott, who brings sexist anthems to a previously unachieved high (or low, depending on your reference point).
With over-the-top show-stoppers about gonorrhea ("The Jack"), HIGH VOLTAGE is not for the faint of heart. The single from this record, "T.N.T," got AC/DC into rock radio rotation and gave metal fans a template of the brand of molten lava the band would later weld into perfection. The formula for which the group would eventually become famous--songs based around three crunching power chords and the high-pitched squeal of a man who sounds like he's just been unleashed from the reformatory--is firmly established here.

  • Format: CD
  • Genre: Pop
  • Released: 2/18/2003
  • Released: 02/18/2003

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