The soundtrack for the seventh installment in the popular Fast & Furious film series, Furious 7 finds composer Brian Tyler back behind the wheel (so to speak), laying down an appropriately intense and propulsive, largely electronic-driven score that draws from the series' past while introducing new and exciting themes to the franchise. The 28-track original score version of the album, Furious 7, is also available in an Original Soundtrack version that trades Tyler's instrumental cues for a driving set of EDM and hip-hop hits from the likes of Wiz Khalifa, Iggy Azalea, Flo Rida, Skylar Grey, and others. ~ James Christopher Monger
- Format: Vinyl
- Genre: Stage & Screen
- Genre: Soundtracks
- Genre: Soundtracks & Film Scores
- Released: 08/31/2015
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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